Farmers Don’t Want to Install Apps, They Want to Chat


In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, one might assume that farmers are eager to embrace every new technological innovation that promises to make their work easier. However, the reality on the ground tells a different story. When it comes to digital tools, farmers show a clear preference: they want simplicity and ease of use, and they prefer to chat over installing yet another app.

This is where AgWise, a revolutionary Conversational Digital Agriculture Assistant, steps in to transform farmer engagement to the next level.

No Need to Install an App- Removing Barriers to Digital Adoption

The agricultural sector faces unique challenges when it comes to adopting new technology. Many farmers operate in areas with limited internet connectivity and have a limited tolerance for complex, cumbersome applications. For many, the process of downloading, installing, and learning to use a new app is a significant deterrent.

Conversational Digital Agriculture Assistants like AgWise tackles this issue head-on. By leveraging ubiquitous messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Line, Telegram, Messenger and more, it removes the need for farmers to download and learn a new application. Farmers can interact with AgWise using a platform they are already familiar with and use daily. This seamless integration into their favorite chat platform makes AgWise a powerful tool for engaging with the technology, ensuring higher adoption rates and more effective utilization of digital tools.

A User Experience That Farmers Love

User experience is critical in any digital tool, but it is especially important in agriculture, where users may not be as tech-savvy. AgWise excels in this area by providing an intuitive and responsive chatbot experience. The conversational assistant is designed to be intuitive and easy to interact with, providing answers and assistance in a straightforward manner.

Moreover, AgWise offers chatbots that are inherently agile and can quickly adapt to changing organizational requirements and respond to farmers’ needs dynamically. From Hyper personalized crop production support to market linkage, AgWise can provide the most relevant services ensuring that farmers always have access to the latest guidance and support.

Overcoming Geographical and Linguistic Barriers

Farmers speak different languages and have diverse needs based on their geographic location. AgWise excels in bridging these gaps. By supporting multiple languages and providing hyper localized content, AgWise ensures that farmers receive information and support tailored to their specific circumstances. This capability is instrumental in building deep-rooted relationships with farmers, fostering trust, and promoting the adoption of best practices.


In the quest to enhance digital adoption in agriculture, simplicity and accessibility are paramount. By eliminating the need for new app installations, providing an exceptional user experience, and overcoming geographical and linguistic barriers, AgWise paves the way for greater digital adoption in agriculture. Farmers want simplicity and efficiency, and AgWise delivers just that.

Farmers don’t want to install apps—they want to chat. And with AgWise, they can do just that, effortlessly and effectively.

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